Asia TraderForum

A private membership organization for buy-side traders at Asia's leading asset managers


Asia TraderForum grants members opportunities to interact with peers and leaders at Asia Pacific’s foremost investment management firms.  Through regular meetings and private discussions, buy-side traders can freely discuss issues of common concern and collectively express their views. As the voice of the buy-side, Asia TraderForum constantly engages with brokers, regulators, exchanges and other market participants on behalf of the group as a whole.

Formed by the buy-side for the buy-side, the membership’s mission is to help support the development of fair and efficient markets throughout Asia-Pacific. Being a member of Asia TraderForum gives you a voice in these important discussions, whose purpose is improving market efficiency for all of our members.



For more information, please contact:

Barbara Baumbusch

Executive Director
+1 212 224 3845

Eleanor Downie

Director, Client Relations & Event Operations
+44 207 303 1745