Established in 2000, the U.S. Institute convenes North America’s premier asset management community as an industry “think tank” and discussion forum for invited Chief Executive Officers and their C-suite teams: Chief Investment Officer, COO, CFO, and CHRO.
Hailing from every corner of the U.S. and Canada, USI fosters an environment carefully built for purposeful collaboration between senior-level executives from top asset management firms. The mission of the U.S. Institute is to provide a peer-group forum where members can privately discuss key industry issues of common concern and hear from other thought leaders -- all within a collegial environment. U.S. Institute members meet at a series of interactive, premium roundtable events whose agendas and attendees reflect the increasingly global nature and diversity of approaches of the investment industry.
Membership is by invitation only.
Jim McCaughan
Amy Quint
Associate Director
Adele Langie
Senior Executive Director
Kelly Baughman
Sales Director
Salma Meguid
Client Services Director
Joann Chmura
Logistics Director