Investment Product Institute

Helping shape the future of investment product offerings


The II Investment Product Institute (IPI) is a private, member-only association created and run by Institutional Investor. 

The IPI membership is designed as an exclusive think tank aimed at exploring trends and best practices in investment vehicles, solutions, due diligence, investment policies and client needs.

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Event Background

Audience Polling from the September 2023 Investment Product Roundtable: 

• More than two-thirds of firms currently have a designated Chief Product Officer or have plans to add an executive in the role.
• A third of firms surveyed report that 30% or more of new business generated will be in investment products they did not offer five years ago.
• 85% of firms report that product rationalization is moderately to extremely important to their business
Uses and availability of investment products are changing substantially and rapidly, enabled by technology and the quest for lower costs and greater tax efficiency. Planning product development in asset management has thus become much more complex. IPI will bring together key stakeholders including asset managers, wire houses, other financial advisors and index providers to discuss and prepare for trends shaping investment product offerings.

Our Members


Acadian Asset Management


Blue Owl Capital

Capital Group

Cerulli Associates

First Eagle Investment Management

Goldman Sachs Asset Management

Harris Associates

J.P. Morgan Asset Management

Loomis, Sayles & Company

MetLife Investment Management

MFS Investment Management

Natixis Investment Managers

Newton Investment Management


PGIM Fixed Income

Polen Capital

Principal Asset Management

Rockefeller Capital Management


T. Rowe Price Associates

TD Asset Management


Kelly Baughman 

Sales Director

Amy Quint 

Director, US Institute & Research Director, Legal Forum