Join us as some of the world’s leading asset allocators and asset managers get together for pan-institutional conversations that help shape investment strategies and educate participants on the latest trends, data, and insights. The spirit of the event is imbued by collaboration, and thoughtfully developed interactive time allows participants to connect and share ideas on a more meaningful level. The takeaway from the time you invest will be actionable and impactful.
Carlos Borromeo
Chief Investment Officer
Arkansas Public Employees Retirement System
Christopher J. Ailman
CFA, Chief Investment Officer
Scott Chan
CFA, Deputy Chief Investment Officer
Mario A. Therrien
CFA, Head of Investment Funds and External Management
Timothy Price
Chief Investment Officer
Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association
Panayiotis Lambropoulos
CFA, CAIA, FRM, Portfolio Manager
Hedge Funds Employees Retirement System of Texas (ERS)
Nicholas Maffeo
CAIA, Portfolio Manager – Hedge Funds
Employees Retirement System of Texas (ERS)
Joe Aguilar
Acting Chief Investment Officer
Illinois State Treasurer
Keith Bareman
Director of Fixed Income and Private Credit
Indiana Public Retirement System
Rod June
Chief Investment Officer
Los Angeles City Employees' Retirement System
Andrew C. Palmer
CFA, Chief Investment Officer
Maryland State Retirement and Pension System
Michael G. Trotsky
CFA, Executive Director, Chief Investment Officer
Massachusetts Pension Reserves Investment Management
Board (Mass PRIM)
T.J. Carlson
CAIA, CTP, Chief Investment Officer
Missouri State Employees Retirement System
Michael Shackelford
Director of Investments
North Dakota Board of University and School Lands
Molly Murphy
CFA, Chief Investment Officer
Orange County Employees Retirement System (OCERS)
Jean-François Bureau
CFA, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial & Risk Officer
Bob Maynard
Chief Investment Officer
Public Employee Retirement System of Idaho
Steve Davis
CFA, CAIA, Chief Investment Officer
Sacramento County Employees' Retirement System (SCERS)
Donald Pierce
CFA, Chief Investment Officer
San Bernadino County Employees' Retirement Association
Farouki Majeed
CFA, Chief Investment Officer
School Employees Retirement System of Ohio (SERS)
Alison Romano
Deputy Chief Investment Officer
State Board of Administration of Florida
Niraj Agarwal
CFA, Head of Real Assets
State of New Jersey Division of Investments
Derek Drummond
CAUA, Head of Alpha
State of Wisconsin Investment Board
Ellen Hung
CFA, Deputy Chief Investment Officer
State Universities Retirement System
Andy Greene
CIM, CAIA, Managing Director, Investments
Toronto Transit Commission Pension Fund
Eric Henry
CPA, Chief Investment Officer
Vermont Pension Investment Committee