The staggeringly high amount of R&D being spent on biotech, climate change and space research is producing far-reaching innovation and technology, the likes of which have not been seen since the 1960s. Let’s follow the money and see where it goes.
On Tuesday, May 31st from 1:00 pm to 5:30 pm, Professor and TTI/Vanguard principal Len Kleinrock will host a field trip to UCLA. Departing the SLS Hotel at 1:00 pm PDT, the first stop will be Kleinrock’s Connection Lab, a new center, with design input by Bran Ferren, established to foster work on all things networking: the future Internet, wireless technologies, cryptography, networks, security, distributed systems, protocol design, and blockchain technologies.
The tour will include an array of experiences:
- A visit to 3420 Boelter Hall—the birthplace of the Internet—with Len time-traveling back to October 29, 1969, surrounded by the original artifacts and sharing the excitement (and prosaicness) of that first "lo-and-behold" connection.
- Computer science professor Majid Sarrafzadeh in the eHealth Research Lab will demo a variety of wearable sensing devices.
- In her lab, Prof. Ximin He will demo materials science marvels, including a hydrogel-based artificial tendon and light-driven flapping materials for soft robots.
- Prof. Eleazar Eskin, chair of the department of computational medicine, will provide a tour of UCLA’s SwabSeq Lab, which ramped up at the beginning of the pandemic, when the lab perfected the process of pooling genetically barcoded swab samples, enabling efficient and cost-effective viral testing at scale.
This is only a partial list of this field trip’s opportunities to learn and connect. Be sure to join us in person in Los Angeles, and time your travel to accommodate this unique outing.
For questions about reservations and logistics for this event, please contact Brooke Lowenhar at or 212-224-3383.