In 2014, we'll again focus on start-ups and technological change. We're finding that Big Data is making its presence felt everywhere, from cloud robotics to the future of photography and from quantum computing to pinhead-sized sensor "backpacks" for endangered honeybees. Among the questions we'll also try to answer at this meeting: Can we find causality in all this data, or just correlations? Can we identify individuals across platforms, and eliminate cumbersome web cookies? Will data empower intimate relationships, or impede them?
PAUL COHEN, Program Manager, DARPA
Automated Causal Models
JASON CONG, Chancellor's Professor and Director, Center for Domain-Specific Computing, UCLA
Computing Beyond Processors
NOAH DIFFENBAUGH, Associate Professor and Senior Fellow, Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford University
Assessing Key Vulnerabilities and the Risk from Climate Change
ERIC CHENG, Director of Aerial Imaging at DJI
The 4K Video Drone
ALLAN EVANS, Chief Technology Officer, Avegant
The Future of Near-Eyed Displays
DANIELLE FONG, Cofounder and Chief Scientist, LightSail Energy
Regenerative Air Energy Storage
KEN GOLDBERG, Professor, University of California, Berkeley
Cloud Robotics and Automation
JEFF JONAS, IBM Fellow and Chief Scientist, Entity Analytics Group, IBM
Big Data, New Physics, and Geospatial Super-Food
JELENA JOVANOVIC, Chief Operating Officer and Co-Founder, Nixie Labs, and CHRISTOPH KOHSTALL, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, Nixie Labs
The Best Drone Is the One You Have With You
MARC LEVOY, VMware Founders Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, Emeritus
Google Glass and the Future of Photography
MICHAEL D. MASTRANDREA, Co-Director, Science, IPCC Working Group II Technical Support Unit
Assessing Key Vulnerabilities and the Risk from Climate Change
CLAUS MOBERG, Chief Executive Officer, SnowShoe
Plastic Tokens, Identity, and the Internet of Things
PATRICK MEIER, Director of Social Innovation, Qatar Computing Research Institute
Big Data & Next Generation Humanitarian Technologies
AMIT SAHAI, Professor of Computer Science, UCLA
How to Encrypt Software
JON SCHULL, Research Scientist, MAGIC (Media, Arts, Games, Interaction and Creativity) Center at RIT
The 3-D Mechanical Hand, A Maker Movement
WILL SCULLY-POWER, Managing Director, Datarati
Digital Fingerprints Instead of Cookies
DROR SHARON, President, Consumer Physics, Inc
SCiO: Handheld NIR Spectroscopy
PAULO DE SOUZA, OCE Science Leader, CSIRO Computational Informatics
Can Bees With Backpacks Bring Scientists Together and Save the Food Supply?
RODNEY VAN METER, Associate Professor, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, Keio University
A Blueprint for Building a Quantum Computer
DENNIS WINGO, Chief Executive Officer, Skycorp Incorporated
Technoarcheology: Pulling a Lost NASA Satellite Out of the Past