Just when many people feel suspended in time by being confined in space, TTI/Vanguard welcomes this opportunity to virtually tour an organization founded by Stewart Brand and Danny Hillis on the principle of long-term thinking. As executive director—and field trip guide—Alexander Rose will explain, the time frame encompassed as the “long now” spans that of civilization itself: 10,000 years. And not only that period into the past, but into the future, as well. The long now focuses attention both on the lessons of history and the need to be responsible to the future. The Long Now Foundation instantiates its mission in a 10,000-year clock and a library similarly contextualized on the long term. Rose will provide a tour of the eight-foot-tall prototype Clock of the Long Now and the growing Library, both housed in the institution’s physical home, The Interval, at the Presidio in San Francisco; he will also share video footage of the monumental, full-scale, self-correcting Clock—an engineering marvel—which is now under construction deep within a mountain in western Texas. Join TTI/Vanguard for this opportunity to expand the notions of time, responsibility, and the down-to-earth practicalities of planning for the future, both near-term and further out.
For questions, you can call + 1310.394.8305 or email:
Webinar Questions: Robin Lockett at rlockett@ttivanguard.com or ext. 245.
Membership/Attendance Questons: Claudia Miklas at at cmiklas@ttivanguard.com or ext. 231.