Date - To be confirmed
Austin, Texas
Austin, Texas

• Human factors
• Risk assessment
• Actual vs. perceived threats
• Digital identity/identity management
• Trusted systems
• The changing legal landscape
• Terrorism and security
• Digital rights management
• Economic and political issues

The integrity of information technology within organizations is threatened by a constant barrage of worms, viruses and security breaches. Organizations are concerned about hackers gaining access to web sites, and malicious worms continue to infect servers. Security flaws and system failures are not only tolerated, but expected. Security is traded for convenience, convenience for privacy, and privacy for benefits. Cryptography and encryption appear to work, but don’t seem to be used on a truly large scale.

The larger issue of creating and implementing an overall layered security strategy to minimize vulnerabilities and attacks seems paramount now. However, the cost and effort required to create a secure enterprise can be daunting.

Is there an agreed-upon meaning for “security”? How many layers of security are needed to protect our vital data? Are access controls, firewall technologies, and intrusion detection systems enough? What will it take to protect systems against malevolent insiders, unsecured machines, and unsuspecting users?

Human factors will loom large in solving these technology-created problems. The sheer complexity of the Internet, ever-larger operating systems, and a maze of applications make systems difficult to defend. 
If perfect security is unattainable, what is the appropriate balance between the cost of security countermeasures and the financial and political losses associated with security breaches?

We’ll examine questions surrounding privacy, including surveillance, rights, and trust. With the prevalence of large and sometime disparate databases, we’ll look at the twin issues of data authenticity and ownership.