Technology tries to do something that has never been done before, which is often a matter of doing more with more. To create a market opportunity—and to save the planet—things have to be made simpler, easier, or more affordable. Businesses therefore need to raise the question of whether or not some new thing that can be done, ought to be done, which often comes down to whether we can now do more with less. We’ll look at efficiencies of all kinds, whether it’s creating or using power and energy better; better materials; or better communication, logistics, and markets
Smart infrastructures. Measurement and control. Advanced manufacturing. Technology-driven sustainability. The plummeting cost of solar energy. Wind energy. New materials. Physical resiliency. Prevention. Third-world solutions to first-world problems. Earth systems engineering. Batteries and fuel cells. Carbon capture: fact vs fiction. Efficient space travel. Smart buildings, homes, cities, farms. Urban hydroponics. The sensor economy. Health care.
Pete Warden, Staff Research Engineer, Google
AI on IoT: The Future of Machine Learning is Tiny
Amitabh Chandra, Harvard Kennedy School
Cost Effective Healthcare
Bruce Schneier, Chief Technology Officer, IBM Resilient
Click Here to Kill Everybody
Tian Li, Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, and Member, Energy Research Center, University of Maryland
Making Wood Stronger Than Steel or Clear Like Glass
Dan Work, Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Vanderbilt University
Controlling Traffic with a Small Number of Autonomous Cars
Lotfi Belkhir, McMaster University
The Impact of ICT on the Global Carbon Footprint
Gen. Michael V. Hayden (Ret.), Chertoff Group and George Mason University School of Public Policy
The Assault on Intelligence
Armando Solar-Lezama, MIT
Computer-Aided Programming
Michael McAlpine, University of Minnesota
3-D Printing to Bridge the Biological–Electronic Gap
Canan Dagdeviren, MIT
Harvesting the Body’s Energy via Piezoelectric Systems Inside the Body
Chris Eliasmith and Peter Suma, Applied Brain Research
Tools For Extending Moore’s Law With Neuromorphic Computing
Maggie R. Jones, U.S. Census
Upward Mobility, Race, and Economic Opportunity
Stephen Wicker, Cornell University
Life in the Panopticon: What Amazon Knows, Just from Our Kindles
Daniel Kahn Gillmor, ACLU
Life in the Panopticon I: Fixing the Facebook Privacy Problem
Douglas Guilbeault, Doctoral Student, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania
Amplifying and Reducing Partisan Bias in Social Networks
For questions about reservations and logistics for this event, please contact Robin Lockett at or +1 310.394.8305, ext. 245.