Feb 19th - Feb 21st 2014

A flood of technologies is washing away traditional boundaries between work and play, policy and privacy, companies and governments, war and peace, near and far, virtual and physical, society and the individual.  

One of the most important borders increasingly breached is that between man and machine, whether it's with new Iron-Man-like prosthetics that enhance the able as well as the disabled; the Genome Project and now the Brain Mapping Project, studying the analog body as if it were a digital device; or lab researchers hooking up stem cells to microprocessors and 3-D printing organs for transplantation.  

The traditional work environment is also blurring. That mobility has allowed (and forced!) us to work during vacations and other formerly down time is a commonplace. But offices are also starting to look like coffee shops; mobile robots are turning factory floors into collaborative environments between human and robotic workers; applications are becoming apps; and anything with a screen can access any data anywhere. 



JOHANNA BLAKLEY, Managing Director and Director of Research at the University of Southern California's Norman Lear Center

ROBIN CHASE, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Buzzcar

HENRIK CHRISTENSEN, KUKA Chair of Robotics, Georgia Institute of Technology College of Computing 

JOHN HENRY CLIPPINGER, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer, ID3, and Research Scientist, MIT Media Lab

FRANS B. M. DE WAAL, C. H. Candler Professor of Primate Behavior, Emory University

BOB GARFIELD, Host, On the Media, National Public Radio, and Columnist, The Guardian

ADAM GHETTI, Founder and Chief Technology Officer, Ionic Security 

JAMES HENDLER, Director, Rensselaer Institute for Data Exploration and Applications, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 

LARRY HUNTER, Director, Center for Computational Pharmacology & Computational Bioscience Program, University of Colorado, Denver

JOSEPH MALLOCH, Post-Doctoral Researcher, Université Paris-Sud

TONY SALVADOR, Director, Culture Dynamics Lab, Intel 

VYTAS SUNSPIRAL, Senior Robotics Researcher, Intelligent Robotics Group, Intelligent Systems Division, NASA Ames Research Center 

ANOUK WIPPRECHT, Fashiontech Designer, Curator, Lecturer

K. KRASNOW WATERMAN, Chief Executive Officer, LawTechIntersect LLC 

GUY WOLLAERT, Senior Vice President and Chief Technical and Innovation Officer, The Coca-Cola Company

Field Trip

CNN Newsroom and Techwood Campus

Turner Broadcasting Systems and its CNN division distribute more than 250 video services worldwide. Its networks and websites include CNN USA, HLN, TNT, TBS, TCM, Cartoon Network, and TruTV,, and Its global news and other programming is customized for different languages, geographic regions, time zones, and regional markets.

On this custom tour of the CNN Center by several of the company's senior executives, we will visit two facilities:

  • The CNN Center features the network's newsrooms, studios, control rooms, and editing facilities for domestic, international, and Spanish-language stations.
  • The nearby Techwood campus is home to Turner's broadcast facility and sports production. At the NBA studio, we'll learn how every play of every game of 30 different sports is logged for immediate slow motion playback and archival use.

Our tour will include:·

  • A fully robotic archival tape library;
  • A special-purpose configuration of machines within a 60,000-server data center;
  • Two independent satellite arrays; and
  • A failover capability in which the two facilities back each other up.

Join us for a behind-the-scenes look at a company that in 12 years moved from an antiquated tape-based system to a fully digital operation.