Our March conference was the first TTI/Vanguard session of the 1998 calendar year. "E-BUSINESS IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM: The Technology of Money and Markets" looked at the current and future state of electronic marketplaces, transactions, business models and currencies. All corporations today are faced with questions about electronic commerce and how it will change the way they reach customers and compete in markets. Added to this will be the effects that electronic forms of currency have on market globalization and customer behavior.
The foundation for commerce in the 21st century is being defined now. We explored these topics and their implications with the aid of insight and experience from leading visionaries, and of course, our very special advisory board. The discussions linked technological advances with forward-thinking business strategies and demographic data. TTI/Vanguard members were encouraged to bring a business partner to this conference, such as the CFO, Treasurer, or Senior VP of Marketing.
March 11, 1998
This prestigious laboratory is just four miles from The Drake Hotel, the location for TTI/Vanguard’s March conference. We have arranged for a unique "hands-on" experience and tour. In collaboration with Dr. Larry Smarr from NCSA, and researchers from Argonne National Laboratories, EVL is known for its work in "Tele-Immersion".
Although most recently recognized for its work in virtual reality starting with the introduction of the CAVE virtual reality theater in 1992, EVL has a history of innovative contributions to the computer graphics field since its inception in 1973. EVL hardware and software were used to create the computer animation for the first Star Wars movie. In the late ‘80’s, the Lab began focusing on scientific visualization, developing tools and techniques to enable research scientists and engineers to visualize their data. Continuing these efforts, EVL is applying virtual environments to scientific computing. In addition to the CAVE, EVL developed the ImmersaDesk for single-user use in a laboratory environment, as well as a large-screen stereo projection display, the Infinity Wall, which is suited for large audiences.
This is a very special opportunity for you to experience firsthand these technological advances along with the TTI/Vanguard community.