Without writing off mutual funds entirely, the development and advent of ETFs have been one of the biggest shifts in the asset management industry in the past few years - we'll take a look at how this shift has seeped into the sub-advisory space for both managers and gatekeepers when considering all perspectives, from product development to the regulatory environment. Join expert subject matters on both the manager and allocator sides for a broad introduction to the sub-advised ETF landscape as the conversations surrounding the topic heats up.
Salimah Shamji, Vice President, Head of Investment Product Management, AIG
Zoe Brunson, Senior Vice President - Investment Strategies, AssetMark, Inc.
Joseph Curtin, Managing Director, Head of Portfolio Management, Bank of America
Anna Snider, Head of Due Diligence, CIO Office, Bank of America
Jasmine Yu, Head of Global Manager Research, BNY Mellon Asset Management
David Eisenberg, Independent Consultant
Alwi Chan, Senior Vice President, Deputy Chief Investment Officer, Portfolio Manager, Equitable Investment Management Group LLC
Jonathan Kreider, Senior Vice President, Head of Great-West Investments, Great-West Investments
Maria Ma, Head of Fixed Income & Int'l Equity Manager Research, Lincoln Financial
York Lo, Head of Institutional and Product Development, John Hancock Investment
Carrie Peluso, Head of Manager Research, State Street Global Advisors
Casey Wamsley, Principal, Senior Investment Consultant, Mercer
Andrea Anastasio, Head of Investment Management Solutions, MassMutual
Peter Di Teresa, Head of Manager Selection and Oversight, Morningstar
Paul Ricciardell, Head of Portfolio Solutions, Morgan Stanley
Matthew Brenner, Managing Vice President, Investments, MissionSquare
Christopher Vella, Chief Investment Officer, Multi-manager Solutions, Northern Trust Global Investments
Paul Mikelson, Vice President, Product and Administration, Northwestern Mutual
Carleton Muench, Vice President Investment Oversight, Pacific Life
Rob Balkema, Senior Director, Head of Multi-Asset North America, Russell Investments
Stephen Beinhacker, Managing Director of Manager Research, SEI Investments
Gregory Trinks, Head of Exchanged Traded Products, Managing Director, UBS Wealth Management
Gregory Maddox, Managing Director, Head of Agile Product Management, Wells Fargo Investment Institute
Carrie Peluso, Head of Manager Research, State Street Global Advisors
The Sub-Advisory Institute is a private membership organization for buyers of sub-advisory services and manager research, selection & oversight executives representing mutual fund companies, OCIOs, insurance firms, retirement platforms, and other asset managers which out-source. Through expert-led panel discussions, presentations, guest speakers and live market research, each of our two annual events will bring together leading participants in the sub-advisory landscape to assess how the investment objectives of institutions are changing and how firms that offer sub-advised strategies can respond to these needs.
For more information, please contact:
Serena Liegey
Deputy Director, Investor Relations
+1 917 658 2836

Fall 2023
Sub-Advisory Fall Roundtable
Location TBD