The thinking around corporate governance, shareholder engagement, and active litigation has evolved and matured over the past decade. The openness to, and use of, these tools has become more developed as a reflection of the growing acceptance of active engagement and shareholder litigation by money managers.
The Litigation & Governance Trends for Nordic Asset Managers & Owners meeting will focus exclusively on examining the needs of legal and compliance teams at Nordic money managers. This will be done through the lens of active engagement, shareholder actions, and affirmative litigation. The half-day program will reflect the state of thinking and evolution in the asset management industry today. It will also provide much-needed information so executives can fulfil the entire range of responsibilities at their firms.
The agenda is carefully crafted with input from an elite advisory board and will address topics in the form of presentations, panels, table discussions, and case studies. Last year's topics included:
- Another Step Forward - What We Can Learn From the Facebook and Endo Actions
- Assessing and Prioritising
- Making the Case: Why Nordic Money Managers Need to Be Active in Securities Litigation
- Putting Policies, Procedures and Systems in Place for Global Litigation
- What Does It Mean to Be A Litigant? A Blunt Discussion of the Work and Resources Involved
- What is the Right Amount of Active Ownership for Nordic Managers?
To enquire about the 2020 programme, please contact Alex Beveridge.
For asset owners interested in participating, please contact
Armando Tames
Senior Investor Relations Manager
+44 207 779 8647
For asset managers interested in participating, please contact
Alex Beveridge
+44 207 303 1742