If ever there was a megatrend in sustainable investing, climate is it. UN Secretary-General António Guterres recently declared that 2021 is a “make or break year” for climate. Institutional Investor’s Sustainable Returns Forum will meet on November 3rd and 4th in New York to tackle the increasing urgency of decarbonization, the necessity of scaling clean energy, and the short/mid-term roadmap to a net zero 2050. Yet climate is not the entirety of the ESG discussion. We will also see how sustainable investors integrate topics such as equality, social justice, poverty as well as access to education and healthcare into their portfolios.
Join us as asset owners and practioners illustrate how the most innovative responsible investors are rising to the world’s increasingly intertwined challenges around implementing ESG strategies. Attendees will experience a pragmatic program - with case studies of portfolio integration, asset allocation and benchmarking/data examples - created to empower responsible asset allocators to deliver sustainable returns.
- How are investors incorporating decarbonization into portfolios?
- If the goal post is 2030, what is the roadmap?
- Is the holy grail of standardized ESG data possible? Is it desirerable?
- How much should the United States model climate policies and goals on Europe ?
- How green are green bonds?
- What is the role of impact investing in sustainable portfolios?
- Clean Energy: Faster than we think?
Alison Schneider, Vice-President, Responsible Investment, Alberta Investment Management Corp.
Jeffrey Mindlin, Chief Investment Officer, Arizona State University
James Tyler Blickhan, CFA, CAIA, Associate Director, Ascension Investment Management, LLC
Travis Antoniono, Associate Portfolio Manager - Sustainable Investment & Stewardship Strategies, California State Teachers’ Retirement System
Kate Murtagh, Managing Director, Sustainable Investing, and Chief Compliance Officer, Harvard Management Company
Venus Phillips, Investment Director, Kresge Foundation
Amy Jensen, Managing Director, Lansing Group
Craig Grenier, Director of Investments, Northeastern University
Andrew Collins, Director of ESG Investing, San Francisco City & County Employees' Retirement System
Cynthia Muller, Director, W. K. Kellogg Foundation
For asset managers interested in participating, please contact:
Vicki King
Managing Director, Head of Global Sales - Memberships, Forums and Media
(212) 224-3160