Global Real Assets Investment Forum 2019

Date - To be confirmed
Four Seasons Hotel

We hope you will be able to join us February 26-27, 2019 as we learn about the decisions North American pension funds and US endowments and foundations are making as they address the new global investment landscape and what this means for their portfolios of real assets.

2019 Agenda

Agenda highlights include:

  • How will institutions forward-protect their portfolios in 2019?
  • Is beta exposure your friend in real assets investing? It may be if/when you need liquidity
  • How investor interest in the energy sector is changing where the money is flowing
  • Is a public-private mix of real assets truly more resilient?
  • ESG and real assets…
  • Which real estate opportunities will withstand the downturn?
  • How will anticipated changes in the distressed debt markets impact real assets investors and the opportunities they’re interested in?
  • Given the macro context, the outlook for commodities
  • Sector focuses in 2019: Mining; Energy; Healthcare (infrastructure); Natural Resources
    • Sub-Sector focuses in 2019: Aircraft leasing; Shipping, trucking and transport infrastructure; repurposing pipelines and ancillary infrastructure; Battery storage and other opportunities to come from demand for electric cars; Next generation of solar and wind opportunities
  • Defining the governance structure which will facilitate co-investment programs
  • Role of specialist v. generalist managers in infrastructure
  • Re-addressing fees, including the underlying ones
  • The secondaries markets come to real assets investing


Please find below the 2019 agenda

2019 Agenda

Advisory Board

J. Tyler Blickhan, Senior Investment Analyst, Ascension Investment Management

Alistair Thistlethwaite, Director, Investments, California Institute of Technology

Harris Sibunruang, Director of Investments, Colby College

Zackery McGuire, Director, Private Equity, Emory Investment Management

Kirstine Damkjaer, Global Industry Head of Equity, International Finance Corporation

Gbenga Oladeji, Managing Director of Private Markets, Johnson & Johnson

Lela Prodani, Senior Investment Analyst, Mercy Health

Ryan Bisch, Director, Private Markets, Ontario Power Generation


Michael Mueller, Investment Officer, Alternatives, Oregon State Treasury

Jared Morris, Investment Director, Real Assets, Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS)

Matthew A. Craig, Investment Director, Tufts University

John Ritter, Managing Director, University of California Endowment

Shadrack Garity, Investment Analyst, Utah Retirement Systems

William Prather, Director of Natural Resources, UTIMCO

Christopher B. Culbertson, Investment Director, Verger Capital Management

John J. Graves, Assistant Senior Investment Officer - Tangible Assets, Washington State Investment Board



For more information, please contact:

Katarina Storfer
+1 212 224 3073