The Change in the Future Trendline is Real: Implications for Investors in the World of Real Assets
The change: we have all seen it, talked about it, dealt with it a fair amount in the last many months. With the systemic shift in megatrends, real assets’ performance has historically been shaped by multiple sectors, subsectors, and geographies. But recently new macro factors must be considered: Climate change, sustainability, the accelerating shift to a digital technology world. These are the factors which now more than ever are transforming the asset classes which in term comprise “real assets”. This event will discuss the new way of thinking and the real asset strategies to explore going forward, giving allocators the information, they need when thinking about their real assets' portfolio.
Cohen & Steers
J.P Morgan
World Gold Council
Adam Smith, Director of Absolute Return & Real Assets, Cleveland Clinic
Harris Sibunruang, Director of Investments, Colby College
Terrance Davis, Portfolio Manager, Strategic Investments, Florida State Board of Administration
Ryan Levasseur, Managing Director of Real Estate, Rice University Endowment
JR Pearce, Senior Investment Officer, Alternative Assets, Sacramento County Employees' Retirement System (SCERS)
Kate Carder, Senior Portfolio Manager, Real Assets, The University of Chicago
Brian Johnson, Managing Director, University of Southern California
Michael Leifeste, Real Estate Portfolio Manager, Texas Treasury Safekeeping Trust
Gregory Rozolsky, Investment Director, Wellesley College
For asset managers interested in participating, please contact:
Vicki King
Managing Director, Head of Global Sales - Memberships, Forums and Media
(212) 224-3160
For asset allocators looking for further information, please contact:
Tripp Dolman
Deputy Director
(212) 224-3617