Please join your family office peers for a virtual program where we will tackle the topic of Sustainability 3.0.
Family offices no doubt understand that sustainability is here to stay— especially discussions surrounding human capital and impact. The real challenge, however, lies within the culture of a family office to produce a framework in which sustainability can thrive.
The program’s agenda is intentionally flexible to allow for natural networking and spontaneous idea sharing. We encourage you to ask questions and engage with our roster of speakers.
For Family Offices looking for further information, please contact:
Lauren Feldman
Senior Director, Investor Relations
Phone: (646) 552-0419
For asset managers interested in participating, please contact:
Vicki King
Managing Director, Head of Global Sales - Memberships, Forums and Media
1120 Avenue of the Americas | 6th Floor | New York, NY 10036
(212) 224-3160