Our European Investment Roundtable Spring (formerly known as European Pension Symposium) is now in its thirty second year. The Roundtable continues to be the flagship event for the industry, convening the key decision makers to discuss the issues of the day. The last year has been a period of immense economic change and uncertainty in Europe. A year that has seen the continuous Russian invasion of the Ukraine, runaway inflation, and skyrocketing interest rates have come to define a turbulent economic landscape. This year’s roundtable will allow a moment to reflect on how European asset owners and their managers are approaching this new economic environment, one year on. What has the investment community learned so far and what further change can they expect to come?
This well-established meeting has historically convened up to 80 European pension and insurance fund executives for a three-day programme of interactive workshops, panel sessions, guest speakers, and social activities. The meeting will offer a unique, off-the-record setting for attendees to share innovative ideas and best practices among European institutional asset owners and managers.
This is an invitation-only event and all discussions are held under Chatham House Rule to enable a candid exchange of opinions. The event is free of charge for qualified investors with partnership opportunities available for asset managers.
Become an Attendee Become a Sponsor
- Gerard Moerman, Head of Fixed Income, LDI and Investment Solutions, Aegon Asset Management, Netherlands
- Klas Åkerbäck, Senior Portfolio Manager, AP3, Sweden
- Thijs Conenen, Managing Director Institutional Investment Management, APG Asset Management, Netherlands
- Boris Jurczyk, Head of Liquid Assets, AURETAS family trust GmbH, Germany
- Ólafur Sigurðsson, Chief Executive Officer, Birta, Iceland
- Ramon Tol, Fund Manager Equities, Blue Sky Group, Netherlands
- Alex Koriath, Head of European Pensions Practice, Cambridge Associates GmbH, Germany
- Maria Heiden, Expert Pension Plan Steering, Hamburger Pensionskasse, Germany
- Markus Schmidt, Director Asset Management, HVB Pension Fund, Germany
- Arne Vagn Olsen, Chief Investment Officer, LV Pension Fund, Iceland
- Daniel Haas, Chief Investment Strategist, m+c Asset Allocation GmbH, Germany
- Markus Schaen, Senior Fund Manager - Fixed Income, MN, Netherlands
- Peter Wallach, Director of Pensions, Merseyside Pension Fund, United Kingdom
- Elizabeth Fernando, Chief Investment Officer, NEST Corporation, United Kingdom
- Anders Lundgren, Head of Public Markets and Real Estate, NEST Corporation, United Kingdom
- Mark Dieringer, Head of Alternative Investments & External Mandates, Novartis International AG, Switzerland
- Yolanda Blanch, Chairperson of the Board of Trustees, Pensions Caixa 30 - Empleados de la Caix, Spain
- John Greaves, Head of Investment Strategy and Research, Railpen, United Kingdom
- Henrik Olesjasz, Chief Investment Officer, Sampension, Denmark
- Jenny Buck, Chief Investment Officer, Tesco Pension Investment, United Kingdom
- Mirko Cardinale, Head of Investment Strategy, Universities Superannuation Scheme, United Kingdom
- Jayne Atkinson, UK & Overseas Chief Investment Officer, Unilever, United Kingdom
- Lars Wallberg, CEO, Velliv Foreningen, Denmark
- Kari Vatanen, Chief Investment Officer, Veritas Pension Insurance Company Ltd, Finland
For Asset Owners interested in being invited, please contact:
Sara Hegan
Deputy Head of Investor Relations
+44 (0) 207 303 1727
For Asset Managers interested in sponsoring, please contact:
Stefanie Sables
Head of Sales UK & EMEA
+44 (0) 7580 145 382