Institutional Investor is proud to present the 16th Annual European Investment Roundtable 2017. Building on the success of previous years, which have seen over 95 leading European pension funds in attendance, this three day event will address the latest challenges affecting the pension industry in an ever-changing landscape.
This year's Roundtable will take place on 13 - 15 September 2017 at Marriott Hotel in Copenhagen, Denmark. The entire programme is driven and guided by an expert advisory board representing corporate and public pension funds with varied investment objectives and liabilities.
It is an invitation-only event and all discussions are held under Chatham House Rule to enable a candid exchange of opinions. The event is free of charge for delegates.
The long standing success of this event is based on consultation with, and participation from, senior pension fund investment officials. The programme is driven by an expert Advisory Board of pension funds, insurers and foundations to ensure discussions are most relevant to the issues the pension industry are currently facing.
Who Should Attend?
The European Investment Roundtable is an exclusive invitation-only event, attracting over 95 senior investment officials from Europe's leading pension funds and insurers each year. The Roundtable offers the unique opportunity to learn, discuss and interact with your peers. We have a number of networking breaks throughout the day including breakfast at the beginning of each day, morning and afternoon breaks, a networking lunch, and two evening cocktail and dinner receptions.
Attendance is complimentary for senior investment officials.
2015 Audience Statistics
Previous attendees include:
Altis Investment Management (Switzerland)
APG (The Netherlands)
AP3 (Sweden)
Banco Popular Español (Spain)
Blue Sky Group (The Netherlands)
Coal Pensions Trustees (UK)
Daimler (Germany)
Fonds de Réserve pour les Retraites (FRR) (France)
ENPAM (Italy)
KEVA (Finland)
KLP (Norway)
Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM) (Norway)
PensionDanmark (Denmark)
PGGM (The Netherlands)
Philips Pension Scheme (The Netherlands)
Railways Pension Trustee Company (UK)
Siemens Financial Services (Germany)
Skandia Life (Sweden)
Shell Asset Management Company (SAMCo) (The Netherlands)
The State Pension Fund (VER)
SUVA (Switzerland)
Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) (UK)
For more information or general enquiry, please contact:
Alex Beveridge
+44 (0) 207 303 1742
For Asset Owners interested in being invited, please contact:
Chantal Polman
Investor Relations Manager – Benelux region
+44 (0)207 303 1707
For Asset Managers interested in sponsoring the Symposium, please contact:
Stefanie Sables
Executive Director - Europe
+44 (0) 207 303 1712