This invitation-only digital sympsosium will bring together the most important and sophisticated pension funds, insurances and foundations in Italy. Senior investment officials will have the chance to discuss challenges in investing assets in the current uncertain environment. We will learn from best in class allocators and selected asset management firms.
The agenda is curated by our expert advisory board and will address the current issues and trends faced by the Italian investment community. For the last annual gathering, agenda topics included:
- Asset allocation in a negatively yielding world
- ESG, sustainability and social impact
- Private markets and alternatives
Download the 2020 agenda here.
To enquire about or provide input for the 2021 Agenda, please contact Nouri Verghese.
For the last annual gathering, we welcomed over 50 senior investment officials from Italy representing the below funds:
Anima SGR SpA
Arpinge S.p.a
Cambridge Associates LLC
Cassa Depositi e Prestiti
Cassa Forense
Euromobiliare Asset Management SGR SpA
European Investment Consulting
Fondazione Alberica Filo della Torre
Fondazione CARIPLO
Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze
Fondazione Enasarco
Fondo Pensione MPS
Fondo Pensione Intesa Sanpaolo
Fondo Pensione Byblos
Fondo Pensione del Dirigenti ENI
Fondo Pensione Gruppo Unicredito
Fondon Pensione BCC/Cra
Fondo Pensione Nazionale delle BCC/CRA
Fondo Pensione Pegaso
Fondo Pensione per il Personale della Banca di Roma
Fondo Pensioni BNL/BNP Paribas Italia
Fondo Perseo Sirlo
Fondo Poste
Fondo Previdenza Mario Negri
Futura Invest
Generali Italia
Sace Simest Gruppo CDP
Solidarietà Veneto - Fondo Pensione
For Asset Owners interested in participating, please contact:
Margherita Colaceci
Deputy Director of Investor Relations
+44 (0) 207 303 1717
For Asset Managers interested in membership opportunity, please contact:
Stefanie Sables
Head of Sales, Europe & Middle East
+44 (0) 207 303 1712