The Global Fixed Income Institute (GFII) is a private membership group bringing together the best minds in fixed income investing primarily from the buy-side asset management community alongside a select few institutional investors – all without press or promotional presentations. At this meeting, we step back from everyday challenges of fixed income investing and address the larger picture of major global trends - financial, demographic, economic, and geopolitical - especially as they are likely to impact the investment markets.
Attendance: Senior Delegates only.
Assumption of Risk
An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. By attending this event, you agree to be voluntarily bound to our Assumption of Risk terms, which can be found HERE.
More Information & General Enquiry
Annabel Plumtree
Associate Programming Director
+44 (0) 207 779 7296
Membership/Sponsorship Opportunities
Hayley Corcoran
Sales Director
+44 (0) 207 779 8970