Institutional Investor Summit: Benelux
17th Nov - 18th Nov 2020
Huis Ter Duin, Noordwijk
The agenda is curated by our expert advisory board and will address the current issues and trends faced by the Benelux investment community. Agenda topics include:
- Positioning Your Investments for Long-Term Disruption
- Lower, Longer... Forever? Investing in the Face of Persistently Low Rates
- From Quality to... What Next? Structuring an Equities Portfolio to Avoid Value Traps
- Can You Combine Long-Term Trends with a Benchmark Approach?
- Emerging Markets Exposure: To Index or Not To Index? That is the Question
- How Many External Manager Positions Should I Have in my Portfolio?
- From ESG to Sustainable Development Goals - Constructing a Portfolio
To enquire about or provide input for the agenda, please contact Nouri Verghese.
Last year, we welcomed 65 senior investment officials from funds such as the below. For information on this year's attendees, please contact either Stefanie Sables (if you are an Asset Manager) or Morella Hessels (if you are an Asset Owner).
Achmea Investment Management
Altis Investment Management AG
APG Asset Management
APG Group
APG Investment Services
Appolaris Pensioenbeheer
AXA Investment Managers
Blom Consultancy
Blue Sky Group
FMO - Netherlands Development Finance Company
Generali Group
Johnson & Johnson Pension Fund Belgium
Kempen Capital Management
Media Pensioen Diensten MPD
NN Investment Partners
Pensioenfonds Detailhandel
Pensioenfonds Tandartsen
Pension Fund NIBC Netherlands
PGB Pensioendiensten
PME (Pensioenfonds Metalektro)
PMT Pensioenfonds Metaal en Techniek
Robeco Private Equity
Shell Asset Management Company B.V.
Shell Pensioenbureau
SPF Beheer
St. Contractspelersfond KNVB
TKP Investments
Pensioenfonds UZ Gent
Willis Towers Watson
For more information or general enquiry, please contact:
Nouri Verghese
+44 (0) 207 303 1750
For Asset Owners interested in being invited, please contact:
Margherita Colaceci
Senior Investor Relations
+44 (0) 207 303 1717
Morella Hessels
Senior Investor Relations
+44 (0) 207 303 8918
For Asset Managers interested in membership opportunity, please contact:
Stefanie Sables
Executive Director - Europe
+44 (0) 207 303 1712