European Alternative Investments Institute

UK and Ireland Alternatives and Private Markets Symposium

Jan 22nd 2025
Pennyhill Park Hotel

The continued interest in alternatives and private market investments has led us to introduce a one-day event dedicated fully to all things real estate, infrastructure, private equity, private debt, and hedge funds.

  • De-equitisation in the UK and beyond: what are the implications for insurers?
  • Are you being paid enough for the risk you’re taking?
  • Is Private Debt Gold or Gold Plated: Risk-Return Under the Microscope
  • “The past was a good guide to the future, but not now”: which metrics should be used to select managers?
  • As natural capital starts to take root, how can you integrate it within an alternatives portfolio?
  • Who are the natural buyers for real assets in the current environment?
  • Mythbusting: does infrastructure investing provide as many benefits as claimed?

For Asset Owners interested in being invited, please contact:

Sara Hegan

Deputy Head of Investor Relations, Europe & Middle East
+44 (0) 207 303 1727

For more information or general enquiry, please contact:

Xavier D'Astugues

Senior Executive Director - Sales
+44 (0) 207 303 1708