This annual event brings together senior investment officials from leading pension funds, foundations and insurers in the Benelux region to discuss investing in alternative assets in a confidential environment. The summit will cover on all things real estate, infrastructure, private equity, private debt and hedge funds, with an emphasis on break-out discussion groups on particular topics, giving investors opportunities to compare views and learn more about particular strategies and asset classes
For the last gathering, we welcomed senior investment officials from funds such as the below.
Achmea Investment Management
Almazara Real Assets Advisory
Anthos Fund & Asset Management
APG Asset Management
ASR Nederland
Coöperatie VGZ
DLDV Enterprises BV
Euroclear Pension Fund Belgium
Fonds de Reserve pour les Retraites (FRR)
HB Capital
Monuta Insurance
Heineken Pensioenfonds
Pension Fund NIBC Netherlands
PGB Pensioendiensten
Roots Investments
Shell Asset Management Company B.V.
SPF Beheer
Van Lanschot Kempen
Wealth Management Partners
Wilshire Associates
For Asset Owners interested in being invited, please contact:
Sara Hegan
Executive Director of Investor Relations
For Asset Managers interested in membership opportunity, please contact:
Stefanie Sables
Head of Sales, Europe & Middle East