This year’s virtual Osaka Global Investment Workshop gathers senior investment professionals from the most influential pension funds in the Kansai region. Additionally, insurers, trust banks and other large financial institutions from Japan and overseas attend virtually.
Speakers at the Virtual Workshop will represent leading foreign asset owners, international portfolio managers, and top Japanese institutional investors. All discussions at the Workshop are governed under Chatham House Rule and the event is closed to the media.
Attendance is by invitation only to senior fund decision-makers, ensuring open and productive discussions with an effective exchange of ideas among peers.
Advisory Board
Motoki Kobayashi 小林 基樹 様
Finance and Accounting Div. Finance Group 経理財務本部 財務グループ
Daikin Industries, Ltd ダイキン工業株式会社
Toru Yamane 山根 透 様
Investment Managing Director 運用執行理事
Daiwa House Industry Pension Fund 大和ハウス工業企業年金基金
Takanobu Ide 井手 隆宣 様
Executive Director 常務理事
Duskin Pension Fund ダスキン企業年金基金
Koji Ozawa 小澤 康詞 様
Managing Director 常務理事
Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Pension Fund 田辺三菱製薬企業年金基金
Hiroki Masuoka 増岡 弘樹 様
Managing Director 常務理事兼運用執行理事
Nitto Denko Pension Fund 日東電工企業年金基金
Kiyoshi Iwashina 岩科 清 様
Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer 常務理事兼運用執行理事
Noritz Pension Fund ノーリツ企業年金基
Takeo Honma 本間 健男 様
Assistant Manager Finance Dept 財務部 ファイナンスチーム 係長
Osaka Gas Co., Ltd. 大阪ガス株式会社
Hidekazu Kuribayashi 栗林 秀憲 様
Executive Director 常務理事
Panasonic LS Group Pension Fund パナソニックLSグループ企業年金基金財
Yasushi Kunitake 国武 泰志 様
Managing Director 常務理事
Yanmer Pension Fund ヤンマー企業年金基金
お問い合わせ Questions?
Registration form and agenda are available upon request.
ジェイミー・クワン Jamie Kwan
Operations Manager, Sales and Events
DID: +852 2912 8033
Fax: +852 2842 7056